M in BSD 7:26:30am;
D in FD w/stick 7:28:25, brief stick war that D wins; IR light off 7:31:45; D
to LB 7:38:00 & out 7:38:20; M to LB 7:39:02 & out 7:39:08. D in BSD
w/fluff 10:36:21; he spreads it & a bluebird lands on a back branch; D to RB
10:50:19 & out 10:50:30; D in FD w/big stk 10:52:29; after do a little work
& observing the area, D lays down batmobile-style 11:13:14; D gets up &
preens 11:54:16; D rouses 12:19:11pm; D out RFD 12:19:39. Empty nest from 12:53
until 3:43 when cam reset. D in BSD 4:57:33, D out BSD 5:34:22. D lands on LB
7:01:04, hops to nest 7:02:25; D flies out BSD 7:12:16, then behind nest tree;
IR light on 7:23:22pm.