in FD w/stk 7:25:12am; D out BSD 7:31:00; IR light off 7:34:48. Cam 1 reset
10:41-ish. M in FD 1:07:48pm; D in RFD 2:08:41, he immediately moves a small
stick then plays with a loose feather & then beak-plows; D out BSD 2:24:08;
D in BD w/stk 2:25:04; D out BSD 2:30:17; D in BD w/stk 2:33:34, he places it
on the right rail then moves it to the front rail 2:34:11; crop drop for D
2:46:27; D out BSD 2:47:12; D in FD w/stk? 2:48:11; D does mini-nestorizations
while M looks on; D out BSD 2:56:12; M preens 4:21:16; M still on the nest
alone 4:21:16; M out BSD 5:13:29. D in BSD w/pine cone branch 6:49:46, he
places it on the front rail then picks it up & moves it around, eventually
placing it on the left rail 6:50:15, he chomps on it to whittle it down; D gets
comfy batmobile-style 6:57:19; M in FD 7:08:26 & D gets up to beak-plow as
M carefully tries to get out of his way so she can help; D out BD 7:22:07; M
out BSD 7:26:30; IR light on 7:28:33pm.