flies behind nest 7:38:39am; IR light off 7:39:27. D in BD 10:26:43, he pulls
out a stick from the front rail & places towards the back of the nest
10:27:11; D lays down batmobile-style 10:29:39; Dad gets up 10:55:52; D to LB
11:26:29 & out 11:26:42. D in over RB 4:29:20pm; M in FRD 4:31:59; D out
BSD 4:35:52, D in BD w/pinestick 4:42:49 & M lets him have his way with it;
D out BSD 4:54:20; M still on the nest alone 5:43:00; D in BD 6:52:55; M out
BSD 6:56:05; D out BD 7:01:56; IR light on 7:27:14pm.