EARLY Morn: M in to
outer LB 1:02:39am; M to nest via left side 1:03:05; M chatters 1:03:29; You
could hear a Great Horned Owl hooting in the distance every now and then. MORN:
M stretches & D flies in FD w/stick 7:16:53; M to RB 7:23:49 & out 7:24:12;
D rouses 7:25:27, hops to LB 7:25:37, flies out 7:25:48. IR light off 7:32:44.
D in FD w/stk 2:12:57pm; M in FD 2:13:26; D out BSD 2:19:09; D in FD w/stk
2:26:18; D rouses 2:36:40; D to RB 2:48:57; D turns around on RB 2:50:53 and
out toward river 2:51:02; D in BSD w/stk 2:55:02; D out BSD 3:00:13. P flies
behind nest 6:37:11; D in to LB and chatters 6:37:21; D to nest 6:42:21; and
shapes bowl with talons 6;42:25; D does some stick rearranging then lays in the
bowl 6:52:16; D gets up 7:10:32; D to LB 7:14:41; and out 7:15:02; P flies
behind nest 7:15:39; IR light comes on 7:21:17pm.