Very windy morning,
IR light off 7:31:45am; P flies behind nest 8:31:31; M in FD 8:32:01; M out BSD
8:34:57; D in FD 10:43:31; D pulls something to him & starts eating
11:20:29 (I have no idea what it was); D still on nest 12:15:00pm. D out BSD
12:55:04. D in to LB 6:01:24, hops to nest 6:01:59; D out BD 7:11:45; M in FD
7:15:40 then starts digging in nest; D lands on LB 7:16:23, steps to nest &
digs with M 7:16:43; M out BSD 7:24:13; D out BD 7:24:27; IR light on