D in FD w/small fish
8:43:11am, M squees in right behind him 8:43:23 & claims the fish so D goes
to work on the back rail; D digs in the bole 8:48:06; M flaps her wings
8:49:13; D out BSD 8:57:50; D in FD with a clump of fluff 9:02:40 then tussles
w/big branch in back; M out BSD 9:08:51; D to RB 9:14:53 & out 9:15:37; D
in FD w/stick 9:22:27; D out BSD 9:27:55. Empty nest since D left this morning
(as of 4:45pm). D in FD w/fluff ? 6:33:25; D rouses 6:35:19; D out BD 6:54:11.
IR comes on