September 2018
9/15/18 - Video: "Let Us Entertain You". Mom
and Dad stopped by the nest this evening to entertain us, and the chatters got
giddy with excitement. Dad left a couple of times and brought back sticks and
Mom even placed one.
9/16/18 - VideoClip: "Dad's Aggressive Landing".
9/29/18 - VideoClip: "Mom, Dad & the National Anthem".
10/6/18 - VideoClip: "Stick War".
10/9/18 - VideoClip: "Tandem Takeoff".
10/27/18 - Video: "Dad's Monster Branch". Dad brings in half a tree.
1/11/19 - Video: “And Then There Were Two”. Mom labored hard and delivered her second egg of the
season around 6:27 p.m. Let the rolling begin!
1/15/19 - Video: "Invader Invades Nest". Dad
goes into attack mode when an unwanted adult eagle invades the nest. Watch our
super-hero Dad do his stuff! Also included is a slow motion clip of the near
2/7/19 - Video: "Worrisome Wonky Stick". Mom brings in a large wonky branch and has a heck of a time getting it placed. She gets a respite from her struggles when Dad brings her surprise fish snack.
2/28/19 - VideoClip: "Mom & Dad Bond". Mom flies to a tree on the far-right center of screen 7:23:24, chirping heard
7:23:36 (M calling to D or vice-versa?); D flies from another back tree to join
M 7:25:02; vocals heard as if bonding is happening & wings flap 7:25:16.