Wednesday - November 21, 2018

M in FD 6:53:35am where she digs in the nest then just looks around; IR light off 7:02:48; M out FD 7:09:32. M in FD 8:48:09; she stands around surveying her domain; D's shadow seen as he flies by the nest 10:50:32, he circles around again (seen on lower right side) 10:50:42; D in BD 10:50:50; both crane their necks to track something 11:06:21; D to RB 11:06:51; M starts digging in the nest 11:25:05 & D hops from RB to help 11:25:08; D out BSD 11:31:05 & M follows him out 11:31:22. M in FD w/squirrel 3:57:44; D flies by on his way to the nest 4:02:54, D to LB 4:03:06, to nest 4:03:08; D steps on M's tail as he peers around her to check out what she's eating 4:05:20; D nips M's squirrel 4:06:09; D is distracted by "Twiggy" 4:06:48; D moves over & eats some 'sketti w/M 4:12:35; D out BSD 4:15:00; M finishes her meal by gulping down the remaining bones/pelt 5:10:16; M finds a piece she missed & gobbles it down 5:10:49; M moves to back of nest 5:11:31, feaks 5:11:46, then flies out BSD 5:11:57; IR light on 5:59:33pm.