Wednesday - February 6, 2019
MORN: M gets up 1:22:11am: stretches then calls out 1:22:34; D answers from
nearby 1:22:41 and they both chatter for a few; M scratches an itch 1:22:53; M
backs up to LF rail then preens 1:23:20; turns 1:25:10; M hops onto LB 1:25:22;
D calls and M answers 1:25:36; M's wings come into view as she repositions
1:25:44; PS heard 1:26:04; M hops back to nest 1:27:36; rolls-n-fluffs eggs
1:27:53; Finally wiggles onto eggs 1:29:26; M preens wing 1:45:46; she gets up
to roll eggs 1:46:42; M calls out 1:48:12; D answers 1:48:20; M preens for a
bit then settles onto eggs 1:51:15. MORN: M up 6:56:54, she calls out/chatters
to D 6:57:04; stretches out her left wing, rouses & preens 6:57:46; M
rolls-n-fluffs, rolls some more then snuggles down 7:00:39; M calls to D again
7:14:31; M gets up 7:17:29 & moves away from the bole chirping softly; S/C #1 M flies out BSD 7:18:38; D in
BSD 7:18:58, he gives his eggs a roll or two 7:19:19 then shimmies down
7:20:04; IR light off 7:35:18; D up for egg duty 7:49:17, rouses 7:49:27,
shimmies down 7:50:06; D up for egg duty 8:07:34 with a roll-roll here and a
fluff-fluff there, here a roll there a fluff, everywhere a roll-n-fluff; D up
again for egg duty 8:17:39 & 8:56:46, rouses 8:56:51; D alerts 9:15:07; (I think he was fussing at Eddie for making
all that noise...LOL); S/C #2 M in
FD w/fluff 9:23:20; D relinquishes his comfy spot 9:23:36; gives M a status
report 9:23:42; D walks onto Y nook 9:23:49; and out 9:23:58; M heads for her
eggs 9:25:01 gives them a roll & fluffs the fluff; M grabs a big stick from
the left & drops it on the right side of nest 9:26:20 then she does some
intensive aerating in & around the bole; M greets her eggs 9:25:26; wiggles onto eggs 9:29:16; D in BSD w/fluff
9:34:26 as M softly chirps at him; D puts the fluff closer to M and spreads it
a bit 9:34:29; D turns around then backs into M & accidentally sits on her
9:34:58 and has to flap wings; D hops to LB 9:35:25; and out 9:35:49; M preens
every now and then until Cam 1 reset 10:16:29am. M up for egg duty 11:07:38,
11:41:30, 1:38:58, 1:45:05 & 1:45:41; M takes care of an itch 2:54:13 then
gets up for egg duty 2:55:14 & 3:08:39; S/C #3 M chirps/calls out & then full-fledge alerts 3:26:29, D
lands on 11-o’clock branch 3:26:48 & joins in the alert; M gets up 3:26:58
& carefully moves away from the bole 3:27:07, she searches the area then
flies out the BSD 3:27:24; D glides to nest 3:27:31, checks his eggs &
snuggles down 3:27:53; D up for egg duty 3:55:55 & 4:22:17; D gets up
5:01:23 & calls out quite loudly, scratches his head 5:02:00 & rouses
5:02:23; D tends to his eggs 5:03:26; S/C
#4 M in BSD w/branch 5:10:04; D gets up 5:10:10, steps up to Y-nook 5:10:20
chatters to M, hops up the LB 5:10:42 & M gets vocal; D flies out FD
5:10:49; M tries to move the branch 5:11:34 but doesn’t have much luck; M
checks her eggs 5:14:45 & snuggles down 5:15:40; M gets up 5:58:52 for egg
duty; M’s tail feathers & petticoats blow in the wind as M gets up 6:26:29,
she has a hard time because the wonky branch is in her way; M grabs the wonky
branch w/her beak & tries to get it under control 6:26:53, she manages to
extract herself from its clutches 6:27:03 & tries moving it; M manages to
grab it loose 6:27:49 & after a couple of tenuous minutes (afraid she was
going to step on her eggs), gets it placed on the front rail 6:29:30; M peers
out the BSD as D comes in w/fish 6:29:41 (NOW he shows up!); M & D talk
& then he flies out the BD 6:30:17; M makes short work of the fish (gives a
new meaning to "gone in 60 seconds") Okay, not that quick; M swallows
tail 6:32:08; Energized, she returns to tackling the branch 6:32:40; M grabs it
and using her wings to help, she pushes it farther onto the front rail 6:34:21;
and again at 6:35:07; M grabs it and hops with it onto the rail 6:35:27; M returns her attention back to
the eggs 6:36:18; IR comes on 6:36:39; Rolls and fluffs then settles 6:39:47pm.