Friday - June 7, 2019

IR light off 6:23:37am. D in BSD 3:57:47; M in BSD 4:00:31; D fluffs & M supervises; D hops to RB 4:07:58 & out 4:08:36; D in BSD 4:12:06 with a small twiggy stick, which he places on the right front rail; after standing on the right front rail for a minute or so, D hops to RB 4:32:36 & out 4:33:55; D lands on a branch way back behind the nest tree on the right (he looks like a speck) 4:42:34; he moves to another branch 4:44:46; D flies to yet another branch 4:45:47 then he drops down out of view behind the nest 4:46:00 (not sure if he’s playing hide-n-seek or trying to entice M); fly-by 4:47:51, D in BSD 4:47:57; M out over LB 5:01:56; D waits a couple minutes to see if M is coming back, decides she isn’t so out the BSD he goes at 5:03:48; M in BSD w/stick 5:24:17; D lands on LB 5:29:42, to nest 5:29:52; D moves a stick 5:30:03; M backs up on right front rail & perches, giving D room for his fluffing duties 5:30:48; D to RB 5:46:40 & out 5:47:10; D in BSD w/stick 5:49:18, M patiently watches D place his stick & rearranges other ones; D to LB 6:04:20, D turns around to face the nest 6:04:45 & rouses 6:04:57; D turns around again 6:05:48 & flies out 6:06:04; M looks around, preening occasionally, finally lays down 8:05:56; M stands up 8:51:44; Cam reset 8:54; IR light on 9:14:48 & M is still on the nest.