Sunday - June 23, 2019
light off 6:17:01am; Mt. Berry weather - Noon:
Temp 85º (feels like 90º), Partly Cloudy, High 92º/Low 71º, Chance of
Rain 10%; D in BSD 1:18:08; D lays down 1:28:04; pecks at fluff then stands up
1:28:45; D looks around for a long time; digs in nest 2:29:28 then lays down to
rest in the shade for a bit 2:29:46; D gets up 2:55:12 and surveys the area,
seems to find something interesting to watch for a bit; D calls out at
something he's tracking 3:48:28-3:49:41; D lays down 3:58:55; D stands up
4:04:22, stretches 4:04:27, hops to RB 4:18:35, rouses 4:18:45, then flies off
4:19:15. IR light on 9:21:48pm.