Wednesday - June 26, 2019
offline; Cam online at 1:22pm; M in over RB 2:41:32, M preens 2:41:50; a
mockingbird flies in on the right side 2:43:11, it yells at M and starts
dive-bombing 2:43:22, M tries wing slaps & lunges, but the mockingbird is
too quick, they glare at each other 2:45:18 then it resumes the dive bombing;
mockingbird gives her a few mins peace 2:50:00
comes back a few mins later to resume the harassment; M gets fed up with
the ruthless thug & flies out the BSD 3:01:17; M in FD 3:01:38 & is
greeted by the relentless mockingbird; M endures more dive bombings before
heading out the BSD again 3:05:24; IR light on 9:21:19pm.