Friday - July 5, 2019
Forecast: Mostly cloudy, high 94º/low 74º, chance of rain 20%. D lands on LB 6:04:08am, steps to nest
6:04:25 to dig in the fluff & straighten up sticks; M in FD 6:12:11; IR
light off 6:14:26; D to RB 6:20:34, turns around on branch 6:22:13, hops to
branch on right side on nest 6:22:41, hops to a different branch 6:24:26 as M
digs in the nest; D turns around on the branch & hops back to the other
branch 6:24:56; D moves out of view 6:26:28, then moves further out 6:27:09
mockingbird screams & M jumps 6:27:48; D moves to a back branch (possibly
flies out) 6:28:15; M scratches her head 6:28:56; D flies behind nest 6:29:46
& in over RB w/small stick 6:29:55; M backs up onto right rail to get out
of D's way 6:32:17; M steps back to nest 6:40:06; M out BSD 6:43:53; M in FD
w/stick 6:48:53 and D 6:49:07 tells her he wants it, stick war 6:49:14 (Dad wins);
D to RB 6:52:36 (possibly files out 6:53:15); D lands on RB 6:59:53, hops to
nest w/small stick 6:59:57; D hops to LB 7:04:23; D out 7:08:13; D in BSD w/pinecone
stick 7:15:41; D out BSD 7:34:07; here comes the mockingbird 7:44:20 to
aggravate M; MB dive-bombs M 8:51:41 & harasses her some more for several
minutes; M lays down 9:21:50; M still on the nest at 10:52:00, having endured
another MB attack around 10:21:00 & just before
11:00:00; she finally has her fill of pesky MB & flies out the BSD
11:01:04; late
afternoon storm rolls through starting around 6:40pm; IR light on 9:17:49pm.