Saturday - July 27, 2019
Forecast: Sunny, partly cloudy tonight,
high 90º/low 65º, chance of rain 0%. Sunrise 6:47am/Sunset 8:45pm. IR light off
6:30:00; crow lands on back branch 8:25:25, flies to closer branch 8:25:50 then
to nest 8:26:28, to LB 8:26:45, flies out of cam view 8:26:25, shows back up on
LB 8:31:57, checks out the nest & several other branches before going out
of cam view again 8:35:42. EVENING: D in BSD 8:16:16pm,
he pants to catch his breath, hops to LB 8:17:49 & drags a stick with him,
turns around to face the nest & drops the stick 8:17:57, turns back around
8:18:18 & flies off 8:18:32; IR light on 9:09:53pm.