Sunday - July 14, 2019
Forecast: Cloudy, high 89º/low 71º,
chance of rain 10%. Sunrise 6:38am/Sunset 8:52pm. IR light off 6:26:36am. E heard nearby
2:22:06; M in over RB 2:22:30; more noises off cam (hawk?) as M fiercely looks
around 2:22:34; D in over RB 2:23:11; D starts tidying up sticks 2:23:28; D out
BSD 2:31:00; D in over RB w/stick 2:34:53; D works on stick at the front rail
2:55:43, bops M's tail with a stick 2:55:31; D out BSD 3:08:31 & flies to
back trees; D leaves back trees 3:12:33, flies in FD & crashes into M
w/stick 3:13:02; mockingbird squawks nearby 3:18:47, but leaves when it doesn't
like the odds (2 against 1) 3:19:42; M squees a couple of times 3:22:41, then D
moves a stick from the front right rail 3:22:48; D hops to RB 3:30:00, flies
out 3:32:16; M calls out as D flies in FD with a big stick 3:34:36 (barely
missing hitting M); D moves his stick 3:35:56, grazing M, she beaks him
3:36:01, he beaks back 3:35:06 & she moves up onto the right rail to get out
of his way; M moves back onto the nest 3:57:45; D to RB 4:00:49, rouses
4:02:12, D flies off 4:04:42; M calls out 4:11:16, D in over RB w/stick
4:11:18; D places his stick then looks around; D out BSD 4:22:18; M still on
the nest as of 5:50pm; mockingbird lands on left branches & taunts M
5:55:48, starts dive-bombing 5:56:12; M flies out BSD to find some peace &
quiet 6:02:18; IR light on 9:13:51pm.