Thursday - July 18, 2019
Forecast: Cloudy, high 92º/low 72º,
chance of rain 20%. Sunrise 6:41am/Sunset 8:50pm. IR light off 6:22:09; D in BSD 11:27:08; D
lays down 12:53:14; D stands up 1:12:15 & looks around; M in BSD 1:12:31; D
works on sticks, then beaks at M 1:15:20; they both look around (it's a windy
day) & seem to be tracking something; D calls out 1:57:14, 1:57:33 &
1:57:44 as M & D track something; both M & D vocal 1:57:51; D does a
bit of nestkeeping 1:58:38; M turns around in the nest, wing-whacking D in the
process 2:18:26; D walks up on the front rail 2:20:11, hops to LB 2:20:15; D
walks down the branch 2:21:12, hops to the nest 2:21:14 & pecks at the
fluff; brief beaking 2:23:36; D out BSD 2:24:07; D flies to perch in a tree
behind nest 2:24:21; a feather flies off the back side of the nest 2:27:19
& 2:27:24; D in over RB w/stick 2:31:53; D to LB 2:36:58; D preens 2:40:11,
D drops a feather onto the nest 2:40:15, the wind blows D's feather 2:40:46
& M picks it up 2:40:49; D rouses 2:43:17 then turns around on the branch
2:43:22; D flies off 2:45:28 and M keeps her eyes on him; M out BSD 2:48:17; IR
light on 9:10:09pm.