Tuesday - July 23, 2019

Weather Forecast:  Sunny, high 84º/low 62º, chance of rain 10%. Sunrise 6:44am/Sunset 8:47pm.  IR light off 6:41:42am; D in over RB w/stick 12:53:44; M in over RB 12:54:37 & D starts digging in the wet nest; D out BSD 12:59:30; D in FD with pine bough 1:06:14; D bumps into M as he’s focused on placing his stick 1:06:23; M hops out of his way 1:07:07 & 1:07:21; M out BSD 1:12:00; M in over RB (w/stick?) 1:15:05; D moves sticks 1:16:30; D out BSD 1:39:38; D in BSD w/small stick 1:44:19 that breaks; D moves pine needles 1:44:48 & M backs up onto right rail 1:45:39; D out BSD 2:07:44; D in FD w/stick 2:13:51; M out BSD 2:14:49; D out BSD 3:13:36; D in over RB 3:46:52 (a hawk heard in the distance), D looks around, then moves a big stick 3:47:10; D out BSD 4:10:58; M in FD 5:15:17; D in FD w/stick 5:19:13; D fusses with placing it then does other stick adjustments; M out BSD 5:30:28; D out BSD 5:50:50; IR light on 9:14:04pm.