Saturday - June 15, 2019
light off 6:10:36am; D in BSD 12:58:58; M in BSD 1:03:33; M's landing moved
some sticks so D starts tidying up 1:03:37; M & D have been tracking
something, M calls out 2:09:40; D stretches his wings 2:11:09, hops to LB 2:12:23 then flies off
2:12:35; M tracks him flying around, calls out encouragement 2:13:58; M calls
out again 2:15:14; M chills out and lays down 2:21:00; M stands up 3:15:57; Cam
resets at 4:32 & M is laying down again; M
stands up 4:45:36 scratches her head,
then preens 4:46:35; scratches
her head, then preens 4:46:35; in between preening & looking around, M
stretches 6:28:58; M digs in the nest 7:01:00 then hunkers down, finally fully
lays down 7:02:32; D
lands on LB 8:57:42, hops to nest 8:57:46, he tells M how cute she looks with
that feather stuck in her nare; D to right rail & up to RB 9:04:07 &
out 9:04:27; M to LB 9:13:05 & out 9:13:34; IR light on 9:19:22pm.