Sunday - June 16, 2019
in FD 5:54:51am; D in FD 5:56:20; M scratches her head 6:04:28; D scratches his
beak 6:05:10; D to RB 6:05:40 & out of view; IR light off 6:10:01; D hops
back to nest from RB 6:14:02 to help M with a few nest duties; M scratches her
head 6:17:28 then flies out the BSD 6:17:37; D’s turn to scratch an itch 6:21:46
then out the BSD he goes 6:21:57; D
in BSD 2:26:28; D hops to LB 2:35:36 & out 2:35:58; D in FD 5:20:58; D to
RB & out around 5:27ish; Cam 1 reset 5:39; IR
light on 9:17:41pm.